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ACSSW at ACA Conference & Expo 
New Orleans, LA

ACSSW Meet'N Greet!

On Thursday, April 11th, Frances McClain, Co-Founder and Past-President of ACSSW led a group discussion with ACSSW members at the Meet N’Greet at the ACA Conference in New Orleans. Dr. McClain answered questions related to updates on ACSSW application to become a division in ACA, procedures to join committees, developing an ACSSW sexuality certificate, as well as recommendations for improved communication with membership. The group also reviewed current social justice issues nationally that members were concerned about and would like to see ACSSW take a more active role in advocacy and education related to the marginalized communities being targeted.

Introducing the Counseling Sexology & Sexual Wellness Exemplary Practices

On Friday, April 12th, in a packed room, Dr. Patricia Arredondo, ACSSW Trustee, and Dr. Frances McClain, ACSSW Co-Founder and PastPresident, introduced the ACSSW education session in which members of the Research & Scholarship Committee, lead by Amber Pope, Committee Chair, introduced the Exemplary Practices for Counseling Sexology and Sexual Wellness. The Exemplary Practices have now been endorsed by the ACSSW Board of Directors and provide guidelines for clinicians to empower and affirm sexual health for clients and the wider community.

Photo Above: Research & Scholarship Committee Presenters: Julianna Lytle, Clark Ausloos, & Amber Pope, Committee Chair

Photo Below: Julianna Lytle, Frances McClain, ACSSW Past-President & ACSSW Co-Founder, and Amber Pope



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