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The Association of Counseling Sexology & Sexual Wellness (ACSSW) was developed by a group of counselors and counselor educators focused on the promotion of research and training for all counselors in the area of sexuality and who view this as a core competency in the field of counseling.


Members of ACSSW recognize sexuality as a universal human experience which warrants a united perspective in the counseling field in valuing increasing competency and resources for all counselors.


On March 5, 2021, ACSSW became the newest Organizational Affiliate of the American Counseling Association. In the the words of ACA President, Sue Pressman,


"We [ACA Governing Council] understand and support ACSSW’s interest in promoting research and training for counselors on the areas of sexual health and recognizing sexuality as a universal human experience that deserves perspective in the counseling field. We applaud the growth you’ve achieved and investments you’ve made in the last three years by providing a network to counselors who are interested in resources and community."


  • Promote sexuality as a central aspect of being human that includes the intersection of interpersonal and intrapersonal influences on sexual expression and identities inclusive of age, race, ethnicity, religion, sex, gender and gender expression, physical and mental health and abilities, and socioeconomic status.

  • Improve standards and delivery of sexuality counseling services provided to clients and communities with a goal of enhancing overall wellness.

  • Produce scientific, educational, and professional materials with the purpose of raising the standards of practice for all who address sexuality in the counseling process.

  • Develop, implement, and foster interest in counseling-related charitable, scientific, and educational programs designed to contribute to awareness and advocacy for all persons' rights to sexual wellness.

About: Homepage_about


Below are the strategic plan goals for the next 3 years. The ACSSW strategic planning is designed to support the ACSSW mission and provide momentum for the organization to grow and expand our reach within the counseling profession and wider community. 


Year 1:  2022-2023

  1. Populate existing committees

  2. Engage and foster leadership development

  3. Launch Emerging Leaders program

  4. Identify and prioritize membership needs

  5. Continue to offer monthly webinars with free CEs for ACSSW members in partnership with The Chicago School of Professional Psychology

  6. Form task force to monitor and revise 3-year plan

  7. Expand Board of Directors Trustees from 3 to 6 representatives

  8. Submit for Division status within ACA

  9. Increase submissions of manuscripts to ACSSW newsletter and expand newsletter team

  10. Increase manuscript submissions to JCSSW and increase impact factor.


Year 2: 2023-2024

  1. Hold elections for Board and Officers

  2. Prioritize (rank) member services

  3. Deliver on member needs/priorities, continue ongoing monitoring of member need/priorities through annual surveys

  4. Identify Committee goals and priorities

  5. Implement first year of strategic framework

  6. Create leadership development pipeline for sustainability and growth

  7. Continue Emerging Leaders program

  8. Continue webinars and begin to create revenue streams

  9. Plan first annual conference

  10. Re-engage sexuality competencies task force with plan for developing certification.

  11. Target raising awareness of sexuality related social justice issues through ACSSW social media


Year 3:  2024-2025

  1. Hold elections for Board and Officers

  2. Review achievements from 2023-2026 to inform goals for development of next 3-year strategic plan

  3. Prioritize (rank) member services

  4. Review Committee goals and priorities

  5. Implement second year of strategic framework

  6. Hold first annual conference

  7. Hold inaugural awards ceremony

  8. Continue growing revenue streams

  9. Continue Emerging Leaders program

  10. Task force in developing state branches of ACSSW

  11. Implement plan for certification of sexuality competencies for counselors through ACSSW

  12. Review and improve leadership development pipeline for sustainability and growth

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©2019 by Association of Counseling Sexology and Sexual Wellness (ACSSW).

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